Inside an ultramodern skyscraper at the hearth of Xi'An financial center, Area-17 designed an iconic workspace for an eclectic client, defining a new balance between contemporary and luxurious.
A careful selection of few materials establishes a distinctive style that characterizes both furniture and interiors. The “variable balances” that originate from this determine the importance and disposition of different environments. At the entrance, marble surfaces intersect creating an intricate play of light, which represents the client’s various interests. From a functional point of view, they are the generator of the whole office layout, dividing the wide meeting room from operational spaces opening behind the burnished steel countertop.
Marble slabs also cover the floor of the bright open spaces, partitioned only with glass surfaces, sheers, and light. Colorful details outline shelves embedded in party walls and light up the executive boardroom, harmoniously contrasting the precious briar-root furniture.